Pink Ombre Skeleton Arms

Need an extra hand this Halloween?

  • Rit DyeMore for Synthetics in Super Pink, Racing Red, Royal Purple
  • Pot for Dyeing
  • Plastic skeletons Arms
  • Tongs
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Acetone
  • Measuring Cup and Spoon
  • Plastic Table Cover
  • Paper Towels
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  1. Wipe plastic skeleton with acetone and paper towel to remove any manufacturer’s finishes that may interfere with dye absorption.
  2. Heat 1 gallon of water on the stovetop to roughly 200ºF / 93ºC or greater.
  3. When water begins to simmer, add ¼ cup of well-shaken DyeMore for Synthetics and stir well.
  4. Wearing rubber gloves, pick up the skeleton with tongs and carefully dip 1/3 of it into the dyebath. Keep the plastic skeleton dipped for 5-10 minutes, moving it around the dyebath to avoid harsh dyelines from forming and achieve a smooth gradient.
  5. Once desired color is achieved, remove from dyebath and rinse in cold water.
  6. Repeat steps 2-4 with additional DyeMore for Synthetics colors to create an ombre.
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